Moving to Australia – What Is 100 Points Of ID?

When coming to Australia, you will need to provide documents to prove your identity on several occasions, including when it comes to getting a driver’s license, applying for a rental property and applying for a Medicare card.

When it comes to ID in Australia, the most common identification system is the “100 point check”. Different ID documents have different number values (for example, 30 points), and you must provide enough documents to equal 100 points or more. All documents must be in your current legal name – so, for example, if you have gotten married or changed your name – and your documents show your previous or maiden name, they will not be accepted. Unfortunately, some of these documents will only be accepted if they have been issued in Australia or by the Australian government.

What documents will help you

The following documents are generally accepted:

  • Current overseas passport (must be valid, cannot have been cancelled) – generally equals 70 points;
  • Original birth certificate (cannot be a copy or an extract) – generally equals 70 points;
  • Australian driver’s license (must be issued by the Australian government) – generally equals 40 points;
  • Australian firearms license (must be issued by the Australian government) – generally equals 40 points;
  • University student identification card (must have a photo and be current) – generally equals 40 points;
  • Australian Medicare card – generally equals 25 points;
  • New Zealand or other overseas driver’s license – generally equals 25 points;
  • Australian bank card or credit card (must be signed) – generally equals 25 points; and
  • Utility bill (must show name and current address) – generally equals 25 points.