Renting in Australia – Pets & Your Rental
In Australia you cannot legally have a pet in a rented property without the written consent of the owner, given through the real estate agency. Properties that will allow pets will usually advertise them as such, with words like “Pet Friendly” or “Outside dogs considered”. A property that is advertised as “No Pets” will not usually negotiate on the subject so if you have a pet you should probably not waste your time and just look elsewhere.
- Accommodation
- Babies & children
- Child care & early learning in australia
- Community services
- Credit checks
- Driver’s licences in australia
- Education in australia
- Financial stuff
- Government benefits in australia
- Health
- Immigration & residency
- Insurance information
- Legal system of australia
- Marriage & relationships in australia
- Pensions – what you need to know
- Police clearances
- Responsible service of alcohol
- Superannuation – what you need to know
- Tax in aus
- Transporting your belongings to australia
- Utilities – getting connected
- What to bring with you
- Working with children checks