Police Checks in Australia
When moving to Australia, you may be asked to provide a certificate from the New Zealand government, stating that you have no criminal history, or if you do have one, the details of your offences.
It is possible to be refused entry into Australia on “character grounds” if you have a long or serious criminal history – however, having a minor criminal history does not necessarily mean you will not be able to move to Australia. The Australian government assesses everyone on a case by case basis, and it is best to be upfront about all information the Australian government asks you to provide, as there may be consequences in the future should you mislead or refuse to provide information.
New Zealand Police Checks
If you need to get a police clearance certificate from the New Zealand government, you will first need to obtain a police clearance certificate from the New Zealand Ministry of Justice. Applications can be made with the “Request your own Criminal Conviction History” form. You must apply for a “full” Record of Convictions, and make sure that the “full record” box is ticked at step 3 of the application. If you do not have a criminal history, you will receive a letter saying so. If you do have a criminal history, you will need to complete a “Consent of Disclosure of Information” form and any other additional forms required by the New Zealand Ministry of Justice.
- Accommodation
- Babies & children
- Child care & early learning in australia
- Community services
- Credit checks
- Driver’s licences in australia
- Education in australia
- Financial stuff
- Government benefits in australia
- Health
- Immigration & residency
- Insurance information
- Legal system of australia
- Marriage & relationships in australia
- Pensions – what you need to know
- Police clearances
- Responsible service of alcohol
- Superannuation – what you need to know
- Tax in aus
- Transporting your belongings to australia
- Utilities – getting connected
- What to bring with you
- Working with children checks